To ensure you stay updated on the discharge events of your containers at a terminal, you can create a discharge event notification automation. This automation will set a flag on your containers whenever there is a confirmed discharge event. Follow these steps to set up this automation:

Step 1: 📌 Create a Flag

  1. Access the Automation Menu: Start by navigating to the menu bar and clicking on the "Automations" icon.
  2. Choose "Flags": On the bottom of the automation page, you will find two tabs: "Overview" and "Flags." Click on "Flags" to access flag-related settings.
  3. Create a New Flag: Click the "Create Flag" button. This action will add a new flag to the list.
  4. Rename the Flag: Change the name of this flag to something like "Discharge Event."

Step 2: ⚙️ Create the Automation

  1. Go Back to Overview: Return to the overview of the automations by navigating back to the automation menu.
  2. Create a New Automation: Click the "Create Automation" button in the upper right corner. A new automation will be created, which will initially be empty.
  3. Add the First Step: The first step in your automation is to set up a trigger. Click the "Add Step" button to begin.
  4. Select the Trigger: Choose the trigger type that detects changes in a certain milestone. Look for the "Milestone Change" trigger, which should be near the bottom of the list.
  5. Configure the Trigger: After selecting the "Milestone Change" trigger, you can further customize it. Select the trigger type:
  6. Choose the Milestone: Select "Notice" as the trigger type. Since you want to trigger a notification immediately upon confirmation, set the time in hours to zero (0).
  7. Select the Event: Specify the discharge event you want to monitor. For instance, choose "Container Discharge at Terminal."

Step 3: 🏗️ Add the Flag to Containers

  1. Add the Flag Action: To add a flag to your containers, click the "Add Step" button in your automation.
  2. Select "Set Flag for Container": Choose the "Set Flag for Container" action.
  3. Choose the Flag: Select the flag you created earlier, which you named "Discharge Event."

Step 4: 🔌 Enable the Automation

  1. Activate the Automation: In the upper right corner, enable the automation. This step ensures that the system will now monitor all discharge events and set the flag on containers where these events occur.