Dockflow's team feature allows you to streamline collaboration within your organization by creating teams based on your specific needs. Whether you want to organize teams by shipment types, geographical regions, clients, or any other criteria, Dockflow's team feature can match your organizational structure. Teams can be used for sending notifications to the right people and customizing dashboards.

Adding Team Members

Before you can set up teams, ensure that all team members are added as users in your organization. Here's how you can do it:

  1. Navigate to Settings: Click on the "Settings" option in the menu bar.
  2. Go to Organization: In the settings menu, find and select "Organization."
  3. Add Users: Here, you can add all the users you'd like to include in your teams.

Creating Teams

Once you have your team members added as users, you can create teams. Follow these steps to create a team:

  1. Access Teams Settings: In the Settings section, click on "Teams."

  2. Create a New Team: On this screen, you can create a new team. Choose a unique team name and assign the members you added in the previous step to this team.

  3. Assigning Tradeflows to Teams: Next, you'll need to assign tradeflows to teams. This can be accomplished in two ways.

    Using Automations

    Using Excel Import

Now that you've configured teams in the settings and assigned them to tradeflows, you can set up notifications to be sent specifically to the teams involved. Follow these steps:

  1. Go to the Automation Section: Navigate to the "Automation" section in the menu bar.
  2. Use Flags: Click on "Flags" and configure your notification settings. Set the notification setting to "Team" to ensure that notifications are sent to team members when a flag is triggered.

General Notes:

With Dockflow's team feature, you can optimize collaboration, streamline notifications, and enhance your supply chain management by ensuring that the right people are informed at the right time.